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Our Vision

Our sisters will stand out as extraordinary citizens, not confined by set physical or societal boundaries. Our sisters will represent the readying of bold women for professional success, academic accomplishment, and growth of the serving heart all through the cosmopolitan understanding of sisterhood. Sisters will challenge themselves to serve as global examples, chapter leaders, and outstanding individuals. We will believe in a world of change, of equal opportunity, and trust. That being so, we stand by those same principles; we challenge ourselves to reach beyond our greatest aspirations, to assist all women in their own ambitions, and encourage the supporting unity of serving the global good. We stand by our letters as a symbol of our loyalty to the bettering of ourselves, our sisters, and our world.


Where in the world have our sisters been?

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Not only have DPE sisters traveled abroad but they are blooming professionals. From Hospitality Business Majors to International Relations Majors to Psychology Majors, sisters are well rounded individuals who have a lot to offer the workforce. Above are only a few locations where sisters have held positions.

© 2015 by Deltaphiepsilon at msu 

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